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Christopher L McIntosh

(812)760-7073 1501 South Linwood Evansville, In 47713

Personal Summary

I have held a wide range of jobs from the Army, to Xbox Live Support, to Currently a Truck Driver. I have learned a wide range of skills and have developed the ability to learn and adapt quickly to a new work environment to successfully accomplish the task at hand. I have gained experience at self-management and self-movtivation for projects or trips that prove to be difficult. I handle stress well and am patient with customers who are difficult to understand due to poor communication ability or accents that may prove hard to understand at first. I pay attention to the details of every task to ensure that my customers are provided with excellent quality and are happy with the service that I provide them. I do my best to live my life with the uptmost of morals and never ask those around me to do something that I am not willing to do myself first.

I have taught myself many of the website design principles that the professional world uses as its standards today. This includes not only the proper coding and notation techinques, but also using professional design principles to develope clean and effective websites for my clients. I am currently looking to join a team who believes in providing their customers with quality workmanship in the service they deliver and also take a teachers role in educating their clients on how to best use their new website in conjunction with their existing business.

Personal Experience

I am an active member on and provide excellent service to every client that I take on from that website you can view my profile there is WebHeadMan. You can see some of the work i have done and ratings given to me by clients. Although most of them are small jobs it should also give you another look into what I can do for you.
I have experience with the following Programming languages and Software Packages:
  • Macromedia Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks
  • Adobe Photoshop Pro, Gimp Graphical Engine

Work History

J.B.Hunt 1-800-2JB-HUNT August 2007 to Current

  • Self-Supervised position
  • Provided Excellent Customer Service
  • Detailed Planning Required for Successful Completion of Jobs
Self-Employed Designer 812-760-7073 March 2007 to August 2007
  • Self-Employed Contractor for several Website Projects
  • Provided Excellent Service to my Clients
Mcleod Express 309-672-1195 August 2006 to March 2007
  • Regional Truck driver
  • Responsible for Excellent Customer Service
  • Responsible for Meeting Strict Deadlines
Harte-Hanks Austin, Tx August 2003 - November 2004
  • Sales Agent For Aol Internet Yellow Pages Account
  • Xbox and Xbox Live Support Agent
  • Microsoft Blaster Worm Support Agent

Military History

US Army 5/3rd FA Ft. Sill, OK June 2000 to November 2002
  • Worked Well Under Stressful Situations
  • Helped Develop a Database for the Unit Financial Advisor


Feel free to email me at or contact me via evansvilleRolling on yahoo instant messenger.